Microsoft SQL Server 2019 - An introduction

Microsoft SQL Server 2019 - An introduction

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Release Date:

June 7, 2021


Microsoft SQLServer 2019 is the latest version from Microsoft, released in this year. Its really easy and simple course designed for everyone to learn and know about latest version of SQLServer. Iwould like to share installation, configuration and handling SQLServer Management Studio in this web series. Iwill be sharing syllabus and which books to read? Also some links for Microsoft SQLServer practice and exams. We will also have a look on below topics as well: 1. T-SQL - Transact SQL - having practice of T-SQL2. SSRS - SQLServer Reporting Services - how to create report and view data3. SSIS - SQLServer Integration Services - how to use integration services4. SSAS - SQLServer Analytics Services - how to work with analytics services No basic knowledge required to do this course, only eager to learn.

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