Learn Big Data from Scratch (Advance Hadoop + Unix
Created By:
udemyRelease Date:
June 7, 2021Description
This course is specially designedfor All profile students i.e. developers and testerswho wanted to build their career into Big DataArena in Real World. So I have designed this course so they can start learning andworkingwith All Big Data technologieslike AdvanceHadoopand Unix with Shell Scripting forcomplete Big Data. All the users who are working or looking their careerin Big Dataprofile in Big Dataand wanted to move into Big Data Development orTesting domain should take this course and go through the complete tutorials which hasbeginnertoadvance knowledge.I have included the material which is needed for big data development andtesting profile and it has all the necessary contents which is required for learning Big Data Technologies like Hadoop, Unix and Shell scripting in completeBig Data world. It will give the detailed information for different Basic to AdvanceCommands and Queries knowledgewhich are used in development andtestingapplicationsin complete application life cycle for big dataqueries/commandswhich is needed by the tester to move into bigger umbrella i.e. Big Data EcosystemsEnvironment. This course is well structured with all elements of different Unix Commands like AWK, SE, Vim, CUT with all basic to advance levelin completebig datawith advancecommandsin practical manner separated by different topics. Students should take this course who wanted to learn End to End Big datafrom scratch to some extend of advance level.